RIF honored for its “best CSR initiative” by “Usine Nouvelle” in 2016


Ricoh Industrie France has just received the award “Trophée des Usines nouvelles” (Factories’ trophy) ranking in the CSR initiative category. This recognition process was organized as part of the 22nd edition by the national magazine “Usine Nouvelle”.

After a call for candidates launched in fall 2015, the jury selected the most promising folders. Ricoh Industrie France’s one dealed with its EGC project ( European Green Center – 3R activities ; reduce, reuse and recycle) with a focus on the circular economy and the associated CSR approaches.
A team of journalists and partners consultants assessed the pre-selected sites between March and April 2016. The factory tour hosted on April 1st 2016 at RIF.

Christophe Hassler, General Manager, and Elodie Heintzmann, Environmental Manager received the Trophy on Wednesday, 25th May 2016 in Paris. An article has been published in the weekly edition from “Usine Nouvelle”:


Ricoh Industrie France Trophee

©Pascal GUITTET (photographe)

This challenge was the opportunity for RIF to promote its integrated approach and strategy in Safety, Human Resource management and to highlight its processes’ performances while controlling and minimizing its environment impact as part of the 3R activities development.